

Artemia: Basic and Applied Biology

Artemia: Basic and Applied Biology

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Artemia: Basic and Applied Biology (Biology of Aquatic Organisms, 1)

Bioaccumulation, Trophic Transfer, and Biotransformation of Polychlorinated Diphenyl Ethers in a Simulated Aquatic Food Chain

Artemia: A Model Specimen for Educational Microscopy Projects in Biological and Ecological Fields, Microscopy Today

Untitled 1

Halophilic bacteria and archaea as food sources for the brine shrimp Artemia sp.

Experimental taphonomy of Artemia reveals the role of endogenous microbes in mediating decay and fossilization

Artemia (brine shrimp)

Combined effects of temperature, photoperiod, and salinity on reproduction of the brine shrimp Artemia sinica (Crustacea: Anostraca) [PeerJ]

Department of Fisheries Biology and genetics - Bangladesh

Expression of Abdominal-B in the brine shrimp, Artemia franciscana, expands our evolutionary understanding of the crustacean abdomen - ScienceDirect