

Bumble Bee Conservation

Bumble Bee Conservation

Because they are essential pollinators, loss of bumble bees can have far ranging ecological consequences. Alarmingly, recent work by the Xerces Society in concert with IUCN Bumble Bee Specialist Group, indicates that some species have experienced rapid and dramatic declines more than others. While some species have received considerable conservation attention, other species such as the Suckley cuckoo bumble bee and the variable cuckoo bumble bee have been largely overlooked.

Bumblebee Conservation Trust - National Biodiversity Network

Ecology and Conservation of Bumble Bees

Garden bumblebee - Bumblebee Conservation Trust

Bumble Bee Conservation

Bumblebee Conservation Trust - Wildlife and Countryside Link

California Bumble Bee Atlas counts pollinators in decline

Bumblebee Conservation Trust

The Xerces Society on Instagram: The only way we can survey for bumble bees across the country is through collaboration with volunteer community scientists. We host Bumble Bee Atlas projects in 15

Funding awarded to Mayo's Great Yellow Bumble Bee Conservation Group

Bumble Bee Conservation