

Conference on microcredentials

Conference on microcredentials

The event was an opportunity for policy-makers, stakeholders, experts and researchers  from education and training, industry and beyond, to discuss and understand the emerging roles of microcredentials in supporting labour-market-related and employment-relevant education, training and learning. It offered Cedefop an opportunity to share with participants the methodology and interim findings of its study on microcredentials, as well as a space for reflection and discussion of microcredentials’ broader uptake and function.

5th ICODeL to Highlight Micro-credentials in Pre-Conference - University of the Philippines Open University

Arqus participates in the 2023 Micro-Credentials International Summit in Barcelona - Arqus

Conference on microcredentials

Micro-credential programs Northwestern College in Iowa

Integrative Curricular Microcredentials

A Global Perspective on the Potential and the Complexities of Micro-credentials

Home - MicroHE

Microcredential - TCEA 2024 Convention & Exposition, Feb. 3-7, 2024

SQAA Conference on quality – Designing a QA model for microcredentials (6th November 2023)

Micro-Credentials Program

Digital Credentialing in the Micro-credentialing Space - Canadian Association for University Continuing Education

Thames at Mitchell Creates Badge to Recognize Microcredentials - Mitchell College