

Dossiers OEDIP Standard 20 x 12,5 par 500

Dossiers OEDIP Standard 20 x 12,5 par 500

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From One Myth to the Other: From Totem and Taboo to Overview of the Transference Neuroses

Translation as Classical Reception: 'Transcreative' Rhythmic Translations in Brazil in: Framing Classical Reception Studies

Time-Filler Shot 5XP Le Quotidien du Pharmacien

The Psychoacoustics of Enthousiasmόs: How to Hear a Cosmopoietic Cantata in A Chorus of Atmospheric Whistlers

Dossier médical Oedip

Stories For Children, Histories of Childhood. Volume II - “Saving the world before bedtime”: The Puer Aeternus as a New Paradigm for Selfhood - Presses universitaires François-Rabelais

The Pregnant Male as Myth and Metaphor in Classical Greek Literature

Désir n'a repos - Relative Roles in Medieval Incest Stories: Fathers and Daughters - Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux

Chaque mois, découvrez toute l'actualité de la musique classique au travers de nombreux portraits, reportages, enquêtes et interviews… Un regard neuf

Classica No. 231 (Digital)