

Effects of Dopamine: How Dopamine Drives Human Behavior

Effects of Dopamine: How Dopamine Drives Human Behavior

Because dopamine drives us to seek positive and avoid negative experiences, when damaged human behavior may change to seek out addictive substances.

The Most Common Low Dopamine Symptoms

The Biological Mechanisms Behind Addiction

Roles of dopamine and glutamate co‐release in the nucleus accumbens in mediating the actions of drugs of abuse - Buck - 2021 - The FEBS Journal - Wiley Online Library

Controlling Your Dopamine For Motivation, Focus & Satisfaction

An Expert Explains What Happens to Your Brain When You Fall in Love

We Need to Talk about Dopamine, Part I

Motivation: Why You Do the Things You Do

Managing Dopamine to Experience More Motivation, by Keagan Stokoe

Dopamine Detox: 13+ Benefits, Side Effects, and Considerations

A neurobiological perspective on social influence: Serotonin and social adaptation - Duerler - 2022 - Journal of Neurochemistry - Wiley Online Library

Dopamine: from prediction error to psychotherapy