

Quiet New 'Concorde' Could Fly from New York to London in 1.5

Quiet New 'Concorde' Could Fly from New York to London in 1.5

NASA reported in August they have identified potential passenger markets in about fifty established inter-city routes.

NASA Supersonic Plane Can Travel From New York to London in 1.5 Hours Traveling as Fast as 3,300 Mph

Concorde 'son' jet that can travel faster than sound placed on order by US military, Science, News

NASA exploring passenger jet that can fly from NY to London in 90 minutes

NY to London in 1.5 hours: NASA's Commercial Supersonic Technology Project

Supersonic Commercial Aviation May Go Boom

The 'new Concorde'? NASA to build quieter supersonic passenger planes

Concorde pilot: 'Quiet' NASA supersonic project could meet public complaints

A Supersonic Renaissance for Flying?

New aircraft can travel faster than speed of sound

NASA exploring jet that can travel from NY to London in 1.5 hours