

French research at the heart of the Quantum Plan

French research at the heart of the Quantum Plan

The new Quantum Plan announced by President Emmanuel Macron on 21 January 2021 will provide a framework for France's industrial and research forces to make the country a key player in quantum technology.

Quantum technologies: the revolution has begun LNE, Laboratoire national de métrologie et d'essais

Quantum computing in drug development

Quantum leap: France's plan to win the future of computing

Netflix's Movie “Heart of Stone” Shows Us What a “Real World” Quantum Computer with Predictive AI Capabilities Has the Potential to Do

DoD Takes a Long View of Quantum Computing

Quantum Leap in AI: How Quantum Computing is Revolutionizing Artificial Intelligence, by Stan Sotirov, Dec, 2023

Franco-Thai Young Talent 2022-2023 open now!

Quantum leap: France's plan to win the future of computing

Breaking the Time Barrier: How Quantum Computing Paves the Way for Time Travel

2023 Post-Quantum Cryptography Market: Future Growth Research Report by Industry Expert

10 years of the French Tech: the vitality of the French environment of startups

Quantum technologies: the revolution has begun LNE, Laboratoire national de métrologie et d'essais

ITER - Wikipedia

The French Quantum national R&D strategy just started

French National Quantum Update: November 2022