

Hunting and trapping of Arctic foxes

Hunting and trapping of Arctic foxes

Last updated 12 December 2023 The Arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus) population in Svalbard has the Red List status of Least Concern (LC). It is trapped for its highly insulative fur. In Svalbard…

How do arctic foxes hunt in the snow?

Arctic Fox Denali Education Center

The Nature and Wildlife in the Arctic

All About the Arctic Fox: Ecosystem Engineers

How Do Arctic Foxes Hunt In Snow?

Species Spotlight! Red Fox: A Sly and Extremely High Jumper — Alaska Wildlife Alliance (AWA)

Snowbound: Animals of Winter, Arctic Fox Dive Bombs Prey Hidden in the Snow, Nature

Misunderstood Mesos: Arctic Fox (Vulpes lagopus) - The Wolf Center

All About the Arctic Fox: Ecosystem Engineers