

Analog VU Meter - I2C OLED SH1106 - OLEDMeter Animation - Exhibition / Gallery - Arduino Forum

Analog VU Meter - I2C OLED SH1106 - OLEDMeter Animation - Exhibition /  Gallery - Arduino Forum

I always wanted to do an animation of an Analog VU Meter on newer LCD or in this case OLED. I think the results came out well for a monochromatic display. I normally use a smaller SSD1306 display but it was too small for…

Analog VU Meter - I2C OLED SH1106 - OLEDMeter Animation - Exhibition / Gallery - Arduino Forum

Analog Style VU Meter on OLED Display - Arduino Compatible

Arduino Voltmeter using SH1106 OLED display

LED Christmas Tree with 7 Rings

DIY Arduino Analog style Stereo VU meter on I2C Oled displays

Analog Style VU Meter on OLED Display - Arduino Compatible

マーティーの工房日誌: 5月 2020

Analog VU Meter - I2C OLED SH1106 - OLEDMeter Animation - Exhibition / Gallery - Arduino Forum

ARDUINO', 'Learning by doing' in 21st Century Learning and Teaching, Page 8

Analog VU Meter - I2C OLED SH1106 - OLEDMeter Animation - Exhibition / Gallery - Arduino Forum

Analog VU Meter - I2C OLED SH1106 - OLEDMeter Animation - Exhibition / Gallery - Arduino Forum