

The Fitzwilliam Museum - The Rape of Europa: C.80-1927

The Fitzwilliam Museum - The Rape of Europa: C.80-1927

A record for a Fitzwilliam Museum object: Plate C.80-1927
The Fitzwilliam Museum is the principal museum of the University of Cambridge

The Fitzwilliam Museum - The Loves of Jupiter

The Fitzwilliam Museum - The Rape of Europa: C.80-1927

The Fitzwilliam Museum - The Rape of Proserpine: 1778

The Fitzwilliam Museum - The Loves of Jupiter

The Fitzwilliam Museum - Cows and Bulls

3484 Ergebnisse für found, art and culture images and photos from

The Fitzwilliam Museum - Rape of the Sabines: M.26-2015

The Fitzwilliam Museum - The Rape of Proserpine: 1778

3484 Ergebnisse für found, art and culture images and photos from

The Fitzwilliam Museum - Cows and Bulls

The Fitzwilliam Museum - The Loves of Jupiter

The Fitzwilliam Museum - The Rape of Proserpine: 1778