

Write the 1/3 as a Decimal

Write the 1/3 as a Decimal

Ex 1.3, 1 (i) - Write decimal expansion of 36/100 and tell what kind

Graph the Fraction 1/3 on a Number Line

How to Convert Fractions to Decimals (with Pictures)

How do you write 1/3 as a decimal? Choose a letter that matches the correct decimal answer.

1/3 as a decimal, How to calculate 1/3 as a decimal, What is 1/3 as a decimal

4 Ways to Change a Common Fraction Into a Decimal - wikiHow

5 Easy Ways to Write Fractions on a Calculator - wikiHow

Write the Fraction 3 1/2 as a Decimal (three and one-half)

What is 1/3 as a decimal? - Quora

Decimal Representation Of Rational Numbers