

Mercator projection, Definition, Uses, & Limitations

Mercator projection, Definition, Uses, & Limitations

The Mercator projection is a map projection introduced by Flemish cartographer Gerardus Mercator in 1569. The Mercator projection is a useful navigation tool, as a straight line on a Mercator map indicates a straight course, but it is not a practical world map, because of distortion of scale near the poles.

What is a Mercator projections limitations? - Quora

On the Ongoing Ubiquity of the Mercator Projection, by Pascal Sommer

Geometric aspects of mapping: map projections

Mercator projection: characteristics, uses, advantages, disadvantages - science - 2024

Types of Map Projections - Geography Realm

Transverse Mercator—ArcMap

Mercator projection

The Globe Mercator Transverse Mercator

21. The UTM Grid and Transverse Mercator Projection

Using the Mercator projection as an example, describe what can happen when a map projection is used for a purpose for which it is not designed. - Quora