

Jaguars Could Return to the U.S. if Given Pathway North - EcoWatch

Jaguars Could Return to the U.S. if Given Pathway North - EcoWatch

Right now, jaguars can be found as far north as northwestern Mexico in the state of Sonora, which borders Arizona. There are only two ways for jaguars to migrate to the U.S. from Mexico via natural pathways. What if they could be given a path to once again move farther northward and repopulate the Southwestern U.S.?

The mission to return jaguars to the US: 'We aren't right without

Real News The Endangered Species Conservation Site

Jaguar Recovery: Frequently Asked Questions

Path of the Jaguar

The mission to return jaguars to the US: 'We aren't right without

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Is it time to rethink jaguar recovery in the U.S.? (commentary)

More-than-human Chart - Future Assembly

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Good News in 2022

Jaguars could return to the US Southwest – but only if they have