Green Apple Fragrance Oil


Min 8 oz (0.5 lbs)



The scent of ripe, sun-kissed green apples just picked from the orchard is captured in this fresh and zesty Green Apple Fragrance Oil! Perfectly balancing the aroma of crisp green apples and juicy peaches with undertones of vanilla and musk, this fragrance oil is reminiscent of a warm fall afternoon. Tried and Tested in Cold Process Soap.

Common Uses:

  • Glycerin Soap
  • Cold Process Soap
  • Skin and Hair Care Products
  • Home Cleaning Products
  • Potpourri
  • Candles

This Fragrant Oil is Phthalate Free

Additional information

Weight 1 oz
Technical Information

Flash Point – 65.5°C
Specific Gravity – 0.953
Vanillin Content – < 0.1%
Ethyl Vanillin Content – 1 – < 3%
Consistency Change – None
Colour Change – None
Additional Notes – In Cold Process soap we recommend using fragrances at a lower soap making temperature, approximately 110°F, and adding the fragrance at a light trace.


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